Content Marketing for IAMs
Mark Faber
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IAMs social media presence used to be very strong with a
large following and loyal fans, lately they have fallen off the wagon and been
posting less often without a strong engagement. I want to explore an idea to
return IAMs to the alpha dog position with a new content marketing strategy. I
would dedicate the month of June to Hero Dogs. To start the new promotion would
be a Tweet sharing the news that all service dogs receive 50% off a bag of dog
food by simply tweeting a picture in their service vests with the hashtag
#IAMsFeedsHeroes. On Facebook I would share as many articles and news stories
about dogs saving or helping others and encourage our followers to share
personal stories and any other articles they might come across.
Engaging with our followers in a positive way by
highlighting the great deeds that dogs are capable of it will create a feeling of
positivity that will be associated with IAMs. By the end of June I would expect
Facebook posts to average 250 likes, 100 comments and 75 shares (all organic).
Twitter will be our other major outlet for releasing images of service dogs that
have been tweeted to us for the discount. My goal is to average 50 retweets and
50 favourites per tweet by the end of June.
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Kickstarting IAMs social media posts with these positive and
heartwarming stories will be the best way to re-engage the once loyal brand
following IAMs had without annoying consumers with advertisements. Converting
those feel good tweets into a positive association with IAMs will translate
into a positive feeling when buying IAMs products, causing an increase in
Good job, nice stuff to learn.